2023 Vol. 87(1) 33-65
John G Kruth
Parapsychology Press
Auerbach, L., Hedva, B., Solfvin, G.F., and Williams, B.J. (2023). A Virtually-Facilitated Investigation of Anomalous Household Disturbances Reported During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Parapsychology 87(1) 33-65. http://doi.org/10.30891/jopar.2023.01.04
A Virtually-Facilitated Investigation of Anomalous Household
Disturbances Reported During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Loyd Auerbach, Beth Hedva, Gerald F. Solfvin, Bryan J. Williams
Atlantic University
Canadian Institute for Transpersonal and Integrative Sciences
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Psychical Research Foundation
Reports were received from a middle-class family in the Silicon Valley area of California concerning a burst of anomalous experiences (AE) which disrupted their lives while quarantined at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. They reported unexplained cellular dialings, object movements, noises, tactile sensations (pokes, brushes, & bodily “scratches”), and the appearance of liquids. They also reported extreme stress, anxiety, and confusion due to the inexplicability of the phenomena.
Preliminary interviews indicated that this report met the criteria for cases of the anomalous episodic communal kinetic occurrence (AECKO)-type (described in Appendix A) and we agreed to: 1) investigate the AE; and, 2) assist the family. Investigation proceeded using a virtual approach, and the family’s stress, anxiety, and confusion were initially addressed by supplying evidence-based information on similar cases. We recommended family counseling and the parents completed 18 Zoom telehealth sessions involving stress reduction, family communication skills, intuition training, and basic education about anomalous phenomena.
Key findings include a steady decline in the AE correlated with the progress of counseling, up to AE cessation. Analysis of 295 individually logged AE events indicated that features of this case were consistent with other cases in the literature. This case highlights that: 1) an investigator’s personal visit may not be necessary for conducting a detailed and credible investigation of an RSPK-type case; 2) the dual goal of investigating the etiology of the disturbances and assisting the family are complementary rather than conflicting; and 3) a team approach including a licensed clinical health professional is highly recommended for these cases.
anomalous experience (AE), poltergeist, recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK), field investigation, clinical parapsychology, Anomalous Episodic Communal Kinetic Occurrence (AECKO)