2020 Vol. 84(1) 21-37
Etzel CardeƱa, Ph.D.
Parapsychology Press
Watt, C., Dawson, E., Tullo, A., Pooley, A., and Rice, H. (2020). Testing Precognition and Alterations of Consciousness with Selected Participants in the Ganzfeld. Journal of Parapsychology, 84, 21-37. http://doi.org/10.30891/jopar.2020.01.05
Testing Precognition and Alterations of Consciousness with
Selected Participants in the Ganzfeld
Caroline Watt, Emily Dawson, Alisdair Tullo, Abby Pooley, and Holly Rice
University of Edinburgh
This study is the first to contribute to a registration-based prospective meta-analysis of ganzfeld Extrasensory Perception (ESP) studies. We sought to maximize the anticipated psi effect size by selecting participants for self-reported creativity, prior psi experience or belief, or practice of a mental discipline. We also employed an automated precognition design for simplicity and security, and to add to the small database of precognitive ganzfeld studies. Targets and decoys were short video clips randomly selected with replacement from a pool of 200. As well as predicting overall significant scoring on the ganzfeld precognition task, the study tested the assumption that the ganzfeld method elicits a psi-conducive altered state of consciousness, by correlating two measures of an Altered State of Consciousness (ASC) with precognition task performance. We predicted higher target similarity ratings would be associated with greater evidence of ASC during the session. Three experimenters each conducted 20 trials. Twenty-two direct hits were obtained (37% hit-rate), thus significantly supporting the planned test of the ganzfeld precognition task (exact binomial p = .03, 1-tailed). No relation was found between ASC and psi task performance, contrary to prediction. We conclude by discussing the reasons why further ganzfeld ESP research is justified.
Ganzfeld, precognition, meta-analysis, prospective meta-analysis, study registration